Permavoid 85/150
Permavoid 85 and 150 - Product Codes: PVPP85 and PVPP150 Permavoid units are available in two depths, 85mm and 150mm. Both are used to create a g
Colourfield is a durable, multi-functional and sustainable mini sports arena in New Delhi, India.
Whilst we can’t improve the performance of athletes, at Polypipe, we can certainly improve the performance of the surfaces they play on and the venues that surround those surfaces. One such scheme is Colourfield; a durable, multi-functional and sustainable mini sports arena in New Delhi, India.
Based on India’s ambition of hosting future big sporting events, Colourfield came into play to demonstrate – at a grassroots level – innovative sports infrastructure. During heavy rainfall, the installed Permavoid geocellular units allow the pitch to capture rainwater where it falls – at source – and store it within the cells beneath. With a unique jointing mechanism of clever clips called Permaties, the units form a rigid interlocking raft which is extremely strong and supports the overall structural load, whilst innovative membrane technology filters the rainwater, resulting in usable potable water.
The pitch is 800m2 and has the capacity to store approximately 680,000 litres of water.
The Permavoid system was designed and tested as an alternative to traditional aggregate methods and improved reliability, stability and storage volumes.
Permavoid 85 and 150 - Product Codes: PVPP85 and PVPP150 Permavoid units are available in two depths, 85mm and 150mm. Both are used to create a g