The desire for mature trees in the city, the shortage of underground space and extreme conditions, were the inspiration for the development of TreeBox HP.

The TreeBox HP system is the ideal solution for providing trees with the soil volumes needed to establish, grow and mature. Research has proven that trees with access to high volumes of soil grow larger and survive longer. Underground services can be accommodated without the need for special access covers or pits.
The system combines high strength concrete supports and cover slabs with plastic wall cells. The Treebox HP creates a structural wall which sits around concreete supports. A large void is created which can be filled with soil or tree sand depending on whether the application is for sustainable drainage or just tree growth. The concrete covers provide a load bearing surface which can be overlayed with any hard landscape surfacing material.
Since its introduction during 2003, and after successful trials with the City of Amsterdam the system has evovled and installation methods have significantly improved.
The TreeBox HP system is one of the most cost effective solutions to providing high volumes of uncompacted tree soil in urban areas. The result of this is larger trees and even greater benefits when combined with the source control of surface water run off.
The TreeBox HP system has a load capacity of 60 tonnes and is suitable for all types of load bearing applications including:
- Carparks
- Service vehicle access areas
- Estate roads
- Plaza's
- Streetscapes
- Green Roofs
- Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
- Promotes large tree growth
- High load capacity
- Suitable for all types of pavements
- Tree roots have perfect growing environment
- Ease of passage and access for services
- Permeable, structured walls
- Can form parts of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDSs)