Underground Drainage

Underground Drainage for Commercial Building Services

Terrain underground drainage systems are made of PVCu - an established drainage system material with a long service life in excess of 50 years. They take fluids from inside and outside of buildings, linking soil, waste and rainwater systems to the sewer systems.


At Polypipe, we use the latest plastics manufacturing technology to satisfy the requirements of installers and regulatory bodies. In our Terrain Underground Drainage range, we offer a wide range of pipes and fittings to ensure this advanced system suits any below ground drainage application.


All our below-ground systems are manufactured to the Underground Drainage (EN 1401:1998) and Plastic Inspection Chambers for Drains and Sewers (EN 7158:2001) standards. Find out more about our Terrain Underground Drainage systems or our other Terrain commercial drainage systems.

Features & Benefits


  • Easy to lay
  • Flexible to accommodate normal ground movement
  • Adaptable to existing drainage systems
  • Suitable for commercial building applications
  • Fully accredited



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