Blue-Green Roofs

Blue-Green Roofs
The Polypipe Blue-Green roof system can be installed to provide areas of living vegetation at roof level. By providing source control for water, which would otherwise run-off to downstream attenuation systems or sewers, we are able to capture, treat and store water, primarily through infiltration, to be used for the purpose of irrigation to areas of vegetation.
A system like this can be considered as a part of the overall SuDS management train for the building on which it is installed, particularly as our system has a geotechnical cell at its heart, allowing us to store water for irrigation and attenuate and return water at a known flow rate for particular storm events.
There are also potential benefits to the wider environment; improved air quality due to the process of photosynthesis, and a cooling effect due to the heat exchange process of evapotranspiration. But these outcomes require a large area of vegetation or a grouping of smaller areas to provide a meaningful result.
2021 Anniversary edition of the GRO Code of Best Practice for Green Roofs. To read more, click the download button.
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