Where ground conditions are suitable, sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) can be used to manage and promote soakaway applications, which allow surface water to infiltrate into the ground, replenishing natural water courses and aquifers.
A soakaway solution can be provided as part of either our Permavoid system (a shallow geocellular solution), or our Polystorm system (a deep geocellular system), allowing surface water run-off to infiltrate into the ground, which would otherwise have been prevented by impermeable developments.
Either solution can be wrapped in a standard geotextile such as Permatex 300, our Polystorm soakaway geotextiles, or a treatment geotextile such as Permafilter. Permafilter has been specifically designed to retain hydrocarbon pollutants and is capable of retaining up to 6L of oil per 10m².
This infiltration process also helps to prevent water sources and soils from drying out, thereby protecting local biodiversity and amenity.