With a compressive strength of 83 tonnes/m2, Polystorm Xtra is designed for various surface water solutions including, surface water rentention, surface water attenuation or surface water infiltration as a soakaway solution, for use in shallow burial depths and heavily trafficked applications such as lorry parks and industrial access roads.
Polystorm Xtra Features & Benefits
- Compressive strength of 83 tonnes/m²
- Ideal for retention, attenuation or soakaway applications/schemes with a suitable geomembrane or geotextile
- Designed for heavy trafficked conditions which require shallow excavations and burial depths
- Can be used as part of an intelligently engineered hybrid system in non-loaded and light traffic applications with Polystorm-R, Polystormand Polystorm Lite
- Installed with blue base installed facing down for increased strength
- Tested in accordance with BBA certification
- Integrated inlet and outlet
- 3D flow throughout the structure
- 94% void ratio
- 100% recyclable