Infiltration Systems - Technical Information

Infiltration trench - infiltration: primary function
Geocellular units or pipes can be used to form a conduit.
Infiltration blanket - infiltration: primary function
The granular material used to form the infiltration blanket may be replaced with proprietary unit(s) (i.e. larger diameter pipes or geocellular units) to increase the system’s storage capacity, typically without significantly increasing the system dimensions.
Where the blanket is used to provide water treatment, care should be taken to ensure that a sufficient depth of filter material is maintained to provide the expected level of water treatment.
Infiltration basin - infiltration: primary function
Where there is insufficient space available, or the system depth possible is limited due to the proposed location or non-drainage use (i.e. play area); additional, or longer term storage can be provided within the system by including an additional Polystorm/Permavoid geocellular installation beneath the basin invert.
The depth of the Infiltration basin can also be reduced for the same storage possibly improving the Health and Safety of the feature. Permafilter geotextile can also be utilised to enhance hydrocarbon pollution treatment.
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